Contact: Parish Office | (805) 483-0987 | olgoxnard@aol.com
The following documents are required from each person:
1. Baptism Certificate
(a current copy - obtained no later than six (6) months from date.)
2. First Communion Certificate
(a recent copy is not necessary)
3. Confirmation Certificate
(a recent copy is not necessary)
4. Passport style picture of each person.
​- Must be at least 19 years old and be cleared from any previous legal matrimony.
- The cost of the ceremony is $500.00 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish and $400 at Christ the King Mission.
- If the ceremony were to be canceled three (3) months prior the celebration only $100.00 will be reimbursed. There will be no reimbursement if the ceremony is canceled one month or less prior to the ceremony.
- You may bring your own music (mariachi, try, choir, etc.) or you can opt for a choir from the Parish (not included in the fees).
1. Initial presentation with a priest to go over the importance of the sacrament of matrimony. ALL required documents must be brought in order to begin the marriage process.
2. One a priest approves the marriage, your marriage file will be opened and you can reserve your date with a $100.00 payment.
3. On a scheduled Saturday, a deacon will interview 4 witnesses (2 for each future spouse).
4. The couple must attend a pre-marriage class or retreat.
5. If the couple is already legally married a copy of the marriage certificate is required. If not, they may receive the civil marriage at the same time as religious by obtaining a marriage license from the County Court one month before the ceremony.
6. The week prior to the ceremony the couple will schedule their wedding rehearsal with the sacristan.
7. Relax and enjoy your big day!