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Writer's pictureFr. Manuel Rosiles

Happy Mother's Day!

Today we celebrate Mother's Day! I want to take this opportunity to congratulate all the women to whom God has given them the great blessing of being mothers.

Thanks to all of you for your important work in our society. Undoubtedly, the vocation of a mother is one of the most beautiful vocations, but it is also one of the most difficult. A mother's life changes drastically from the moment they discover they are pregnant. From that moment and until the last day of her life, the life of the mother is a life full of dedication, sacrifices, worries, joy, and generosity. When a woman becomes a mother, she becomes a teacher, nurse, counselor, cook, housewife, and many other roles and functions. But I believe that the most important role a mother has is to teach her children to love, this makes them unique.

I have heard several people say that the love that most resembles God’s love is the one of a mother. I believe that these people are right because the concept we have of God's love for us is of a patient, unconditional love, a love that is willing to give life for the people He loves. This description is also the description of a mother.

Blessed Conception Cabrera in her spiritual writings explains that "God is three times holy and one thousand times mother." I think that what the Blessed Concepcion refers to as "three times holy" is the Holy Trinity, and “one thousand times mother” refers to the immense and unconditional love of God for each one of us. Blessed Conception Cabrera wanted to express that great love of God for us using the image of a mother.

That is why I also want to tell mothers on this day that we celebrate you that, with your love, with your care, with the fact of being mothers, you reveal to your children who God is. What a beautiful task!

I know that some of us no longer have our mother alive, and perhaps this day arouses some feelings of sadness and nostalgia for their physical absence. Hopefully, the good memories we have of them give us joy and encourage us to continue being better people. And above all, remember that death is not an impediment to relate to our mother if they no longer live. The bond between mother and children goes beyond death, and I know very well from my own experience, that the Lord allows us to feel accompanied by our mother even after death.

I know it's a bit unfair to celebrate our mothers only one day a year. I wish we celebrated them every day. Today that the civil calendar has set this day to honor and celebrate them, I want to join and wish all of you mothers a happy day and may God bless you abundantly.

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